Earlier this summer I had the honour of hosting Matt Kramer (Wine Spectators lead columnist/Author of “Making sense of Burgundy”) at my small boutique winery in PEC. He was very impressed with our range of wines, in particular our Pinot Noirs, Chardonnays and Riesling. His enthusiasm reinforced my decision to choose Ontario to grow and craft old world style wines. Given that we do not have nationwide distribution in the US (only Manhatthan, New York and Connecticut) I did not expect to see any of my wines reviewed in the Wine Spectator and took his compliments/advice to continue with making wines that told a story of origin.
Much to my surprise, early last week I heard rumblings through the Internet that one of our wines had been highly rated in The Wine Spectator. On Monday I received confirmation that Matt Kramer had chosen our County Chardonnay 2008 as one of his three top wines of the year. He also gave similar high praise to our 2009 Chardonnay. I am truly humbled by his choice and praise. This is not only a great win for my winery, but also for Prince Edward County and Niagara. Click here to read the full article, a great 2 minute read.
The 08 County Chardonnay is very close to being sold out, the 09 Chardonnay stocks are dwindling fast. I hope you will enjoy some of our world class wines that are carefully grown and vinified less than a few hundred kilometres from your home.
Wine Spectator: Matt Kramer's Top 3 Wines of the Year
Thursday, 8 December 2011